History of the Janus branch

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                                                            “Art above all”

The artistic and clever Janus branch of the Cahill family was founded by Jane Cahill,the second  youngest of the original Cahill family. Heartbroken by her favorite brother Luke’s departure and the death of her father Gideon Cahill,Jane Cahill knew that as young as she may have been she needed to leave Cahill Island ,She needed to share her artistic talent with the world and Cahill Island wasn’t the place for that.Jane fled to London,England where she saw that her talents went unnoticed because of her gender.Jane disguised her self as a man in order for people to notice her extraordinary talents in the arts.

Hail Wolf by Jane Cahill

Hail Wolf by Jane Cahill

Because Jane drank the Janus serum given to her by her father ,her DNA structure was genetically alter enhancing her artistic abilities .This meant her artistic skills was more advanced than the average human’s artistic skills weather it’s music or drawing to writing.These genes were passed down to some of the greatest minds in the art world from Mozart to Mary Shelley Shelley creating a line of people who valued art above every thing else  all of whom are descendents of Jane Cahill.





Branch Leader

Cora Wizard -There were originally two others but Cora got them both kicked out through blackmail and forge documents.

Janus Mascot

Janus Mascot

The Janus crest is a wolf to symbolize their creativity and gracefullnes yet their dangerous at the same time




Taj Mahal,India

Nuchwanstien Castle,Germany




This artistic and creative branch uses their skills in a wide variety of uses from painting,singing,acting to formulating a plan for a burglary.The Janus branch are made up of some of the world’s most greatest creative minds known to mankind.For instance Vincent Van Gogh.This branch is shown to care more about art than anything else.Many Janus Kings or queens built lavish castles while their country’s people were left to starve.The Janus most often uses their artistic skills aside  from sharing their talents with the world to hunting for the 39 clues,the source of the Cahill family power.

It’s stated by Dan in   “Into the Gauntlet ” that the Janus can probably write novels in their sleep.This is a somewhat indication of how ingenious they are of when it comes to the arts.

I advise you don’t be fooled by these artists they  are very much  skilled with a sword as they are with a pen.


-Mark Twain


-Mary Shelley

-Josephine Baker

-Charles Dickens

-Vincent Van Gogh

-Pablo Picasso

-Lord Byron

-Gilbert Stuart

-Rick Riordan

-Gordon Korman

-Thomas Jefferson

-Steven Spielberg

-Harry Houdini

-Emperor Puyi


-King Ludwig 2

-Sir Walter Raleigh

Janus that appears in the 39 clues

Cora Wizard

Jonah Wizard

Sophie Waston



Use of Library codes

Hiding secret information in artworks

Music codes

Flims inspire by a specific clue


Each original Cahill with the exception of Madeleine was give a specific number of clues to replicate their individual serum.After drinking their individual serums each child craved more power they wanted the Master serum which was created when all of the clues were assembled together this serum would make the drinker the  most powerful person in the world.To protect their clues from falling into each other’s hands,each child hid their clues leaving their descendents a series of clues and hints to it’s whereabouts.

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Jane was given the following

Pearl-Hidden by King ludwig 2

Platinum- Given to Emperor Maximillian but was later stolen by the Tomas branch

Liquid Silk-hidden by Emperor Puyi

Tungsten -hidden by Mozart

Sulfur-Hidden in the Hagia Sophia,Turkey

King Cobra’s Venom-hidden in Red Fort,India

Honey-Hidden by Thomas Jefferson

Iodine -Hidden by Mary Shelley in the text of her book Frankenstein

The Janus serum which was replicated by Emperor Puyi was given to a Tomas name  George Mallory to hide on the top of mount Everest.This serum was found by Amy and Dan in The Emperor code.This serum was destroyed when Amy choose to save Ian from falling  to his death instead of the Janis serum.

The Janus serum is one out of the two branch serums that was discovered in the series.The other is the Lucian serum which was discovered in the French catacombs in Paris,it was then  stolen by the Kabras in Maze of Bones.

Janus serum

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