39 clues Rapid Fire Ignition

The 39 clues Rapid Fire series is a short story E-book series written by Clifford Reilly.The code is which unlocks a bonus card when you have the ten letter code.

Written by Clifford Reilly

Written by Clifford Reilly

It’s Grace Cahill’s Funeral and most importantly the start of the clue hunt.

Rapid Fire Ignition starts off with  Natalie and Ian Kabra arriving at Grace ‘s Funeral in a not so fashionable way.

Most of the book describes the day of the Funeral.The story circles around the clue hunt  competitors of Grace ‘s competition of becoming the first to find the 39 clues and thus becoming the most powerful person in the world.Everyone one from Jonah Wizard to the Kabras share their thoughts about the clue hunt and about their Cahill competitors.

After the private announcement to the selected Cahills about the clue hunt William,Grace ‘s lawyer takes Astrid Rosenbloom into Grace ‘s office where he ask’s her about her knowledge of the Vespers.Astrid explains that at first after Grace told her about the Vespers she was somewhat skeptical at first until she noticed strange things happening such as people following her.Astrid explains to William that afterwards she started to conduct her own personal research on the Vespers and found proof of their existence throughout history.She also mention that as a girl her Grandmother presumably Jane Sperling used to tell her stories about the Vespers and how there was a clan known as the Guardians that fought against them whenever they could.

William then explains to Astrid about her part as a Guardian and her part in the fight against the Vespers.William also gives her a folder that he and Grace complied for her about the Vespers.

Afterwards they hear a muddling sound in the closet and discovered that Cousin Ingrid was bounded by a Vesper agent while they impersonated him in order to infiltrate the private meeting about the clue hunt .William and Astrid so in realized that the Vespers now knew everything.

       Tell them the Vespers are watching”. -Vesper agent to Cousin Ingrid

Meanwhile while William and Astrid were discussing ,the Holts who were still searching for a lead to the first clue in Grace ‘s Mansion decided to start a fire which was later revealed to be a way to lure Amy and Dan out from Grace ‘s secret Library.

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