William McIntyre Family lawyer and oh wait! Madrigal agent

William McIntyre is one of Grace’s most trusted and closest adviser.   He is also her lawyer. But don’t let the suit and glasses fool you because this guy probably forgot to mention one thing on his Resume maybe its the fact that he is also a Madrigal like Grace. The Madrigals are an elite secret branch of the Cahill Family who’s goals are to unite the Family, stop the Vespers and protect Gideon’s ring.

Throughout  the first series of the 39 clues William McIntyre often appears side by side with the man in black a.k.a Fiske Cahill ,Grace’s young brother. An example of this is in Paris in  ”Maze of Bones” and   ”Into the Gauntlet”.

William was killed in his hotel room in Rome by Vesper 1 ,who pretended to be a waiter.

His last appearance was in  ”The King’s Ransom” but he is mention throughout the series.He was also mention in the beginning of ”Nowhere to Run”.

True about William

True about William

One response to “William McIntyre Family lawyer and oh wait! Madrigal agent”

  1. damiend2013 says :

    Reblogged this on 39 Clues Files and commented:

    He’s more than a lawyer

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